Creating Course Reserve Request
Professors and instructors may place items on course reserve. These materials will be placed behind the Circulation Desk and may be accessed by students to use for a limited amount of time.
Items designated as course reserves may belong to the professor or the library’s collection. The professor must decide the loan period for an item: 2 hours or overnight.
The library will not accept or acknowledge material requested for e-reserves.
- Fill out the “NJIT Library Reserve Material Form”
- Submit the completed form to the Circulation Department in person at the Circulation Desk. Items in the library’s collection will be retrieved by staff. The Professor’s copy must be brought to the library along with the completed form.
- Complete the online course reserve request Google Form. If the reserve item belongs to the professor be sure to bring it to the library after submitting the request.
To ensure materials are available on the first day of the semester, please have your items submitted for reserve at least 7 days before the start of classes.
When the reserve process is completed by the library staff, the professor or instructor will receive an email informing them the requested material has been placed on reserve and available for student access. If items in the library’s collection are not immediately available, the library staff will attempt to secure those items by the “recall” process, or will consult with the Librarian liaison for the department for further options.
Materials that are not owned by either the university or professors may be acquired by the library if it is determined by subject librarian liaisons that such a purchase would also fulfill a need within the library’s collection. Books that the library does not purchase but are still required for a course should be bought either by the professor or the department.